ASMIS User Management and Unit Profile (Bldg/Worksite and POC Information) management resides in the ASMIS SOH Program Management module. A link to these features is still available in the Mishap and Near Miss Reporting; Assessments, Inspections, and Surveys; Hazard Management modules in the left-side navigation panel and via the "My Unit Profile" link via user dropdown next to the logout button. A detailed ppt is also available on the USACRC website or here.
SYSTEM NOTICE: The source for personnel data will be performing maintenance beginning Saturday, 08 February 2025, 2000-2300 CST (0100-0400 ZULU). Intermittent disruption of any features involving personnel lookups is possible.
SYSTEM NOTICE: The USACRC will be performing maintenance on the MNMR application on MOnday, 10 February 2025, 1600-1900 CST (2200-0100 ZULU). Users will experience a brief interruption of service during the time the maintenance is taking place. Please plan accordingly.